Well it has been a busy week and a bit!
Thirdly, my bro is seriously sick again :( (double whammy) and is waiting to get an appointment to operate on his throat. He has been sick for about a year now and having issues keeping food down due to his oesophagus spasming and had some treatment last year which worked for a little bit but has now stopped. He will have to have some invasive throat surgery to see if they can fix this which is not good. He has only just gained all the weight back from losing it when he was hospitalised last time. Hopefully we will know when he is booked in soon so I can go visit and cheer him up.
Now that the bad news is away I can talk on a lighter issue. Weirdos on trains again. Saw a funny one on my way home last week. Got on the city loop and a man got on two stops later who looked like a typical hobo on top (bucket hat, messy hair, goatee and polo shirt) but down below, was wearing a leather skirt, leggings and knee high boots!! Looks like someone was getting their cross dressing on! I wish I had my camera with me but that might have been a bit obvious... Anyhoo, it was even more hilarious was that this guy obviously didn't want anyone to know at his travel destination that he was inclined to cross dress and surreptitiously changed into a pair of pants and runners whilst on the train! Hilarious.
Went to a Engagement party on the weekend where I had the most fabulous dress ever which I bought on sale from Sportsgirl and is very on trend. A nice little black sleeved lace dress. Definitely brought my Sexy back with this one and had an absolute blast on the dance floor with Shorty! However, I did see some friends from high school that I haven't seen in a while and who the boy had not met before. Wasn't the most pleasant experience as I got bagged pretty bad by one particular person who doesn't really know me that well now and only really knew me well for the first couple of years in high school. She made it out that I was the biggest bitch and psycho at school. Whilst I admit I wasn't perfect and I did have to put on a front so people would leave me alone, the stories she told I didn't remember happening and it gave the impression that I was a rough slut. The boy was not impressed by this and said he didn't like hearing stories about my past. I had to convince him that I had no idea what she was talking about and no I wasn't a slut in high school. I then had to also explain that my friend was a very judgemental person and was a paranoid jealous person. I think she seemed to dwell on the bad rather than all the fun times we had and it kinda got to me. Not sure how I should tackle this... It makes me wonder how many other people saw me in this view and I had to explain to boy that he should talk to Bestie and GuyBestie for a proper opinion on what I was like.
Apparently, our office had the busiest week in the last year for library work! GO TEAM GO!! Makes all our hard work seem a little bit more worth when we get an acknowledgement.
Anyhoo on another lighter note, things I rated this week are:
Basically a book of short stories about criminals that co-incided with the Underbelly series. Brings to light some unsightly crims, what they are willing to do for money and how they can use that money to influence and corrupt others. Some of the scenes set in the books were slightly familiar and made this a bit close to home. However, the Underbelly series have glamorised this type of gangland crime but it is still scary to find out that people in power can be easily corrupted or terminated.
One of the best movies I have seen in a while. This is definitely not a girly movie! It started off as a typical Centre Stage movie in that a girl who has been in a company for a long time and worked her butt off has made it to a lead in the company's upcoming Swan Lake. This is where the typical ballet film ends and the psychological thriller begins. Natalie Portman is magnificent in this role. She had o totally transform herself into a ballerina physically including dropping a whole lot of weight to make dancer size and learning the choreography. Her transformation from sweet, innocent, fragile and naive girl from the start into the Dark swan at the end is mesmerising. The whole time it was hard to tell what was real and what wasn't. Mila was also breathtaking and refreshing at the same time and her character didn't take the whole ballet scene too seriously. Finally, praise should be given to Winona Ryder, who plays a ballerina who is forced to retire and is bitter about it. She taunts Nina and it is never quite clear who put her in the hospital whether it was herself or Nina. The scene in the hospital is quite horrifying. My boyfriend didn't like this movie at the start but ended up really liking it in the end. A must see!
I also did a bit of shopping on the weekend and found my new favourite shop, Temt! They had a lot of stuff on sale and I bought a whole stack of clothes for work and upcoming events for under $80. Checkout Temt for their latest range. I bought the cutest long skirt that came with a belt and a whole heaps of other awesome clothes.
Also made an awesome Lamb Kebab from an old Women's Weekly Menu Planner which are old tried and true recipes that never seem to fail. The garlic yogurt sauce is absolutely awesome!
Finally, I have discovered Catch of the Day and bought a whole bunch of stuff from there including Star Wars Pez!! Apparently it was 3 randomly chosen ones and we got Yoda, Chewbacca and R2D2!
Firstly, the boy didn't get the job so no moving to Canberry which I am now slightly disappointed about as I was kinda getting used to the idea. Maybe some change for us would be good but until the boy gets a job, no moving for us.
Secondly, I got some bad news that my bestie is not well and might be seriously sick so she is having a biopsy done today. My fingers and toes are crossed for her that it is nothing serious.
Thirdly, my bro is seriously sick again :( (double whammy) and is waiting to get an appointment to operate on his throat. He has been sick for about a year now and having issues keeping food down due to his oesophagus spasming and had some treatment last year which worked for a little bit but has now stopped. He will have to have some invasive throat surgery to see if they can fix this which is not good. He has only just gained all the weight back from losing it when he was hospitalised last time. Hopefully we will know when he is booked in soon so I can go visit and cheer him up.
Now that the bad news is away I can talk on a lighter issue. Weirdos on trains again. Saw a funny one on my way home last week. Got on the city loop and a man got on two stops later who looked like a typical hobo on top (bucket hat, messy hair, goatee and polo shirt) but down below, was wearing a leather skirt, leggings and knee high boots!! Looks like someone was getting their cross dressing on! I wish I had my camera with me but that might have been a bit obvious... Anyhoo, it was even more hilarious was that this guy obviously didn't want anyone to know at his travel destination that he was inclined to cross dress and surreptitiously changed into a pair of pants and runners whilst on the train! Hilarious.
Went to a Engagement party on the weekend where I had the most fabulous dress ever which I bought on sale from Sportsgirl and is very on trend. A nice little black sleeved lace dress. Definitely brought my Sexy back with this one and had an absolute blast on the dance floor with Shorty! However, I did see some friends from high school that I haven't seen in a while and who the boy had not met before. Wasn't the most pleasant experience as I got bagged pretty bad by one particular person who doesn't really know me that well now and only really knew me well for the first couple of years in high school. She made it out that I was the biggest bitch and psycho at school. Whilst I admit I wasn't perfect and I did have to put on a front so people would leave me alone, the stories she told I didn't remember happening and it gave the impression that I was a rough slut. The boy was not impressed by this and said he didn't like hearing stories about my past. I had to convince him that I had no idea what she was talking about and no I wasn't a slut in high school. I then had to also explain that my friend was a very judgemental person and was a paranoid jealous person. I think she seemed to dwell on the bad rather than all the fun times we had and it kinda got to me. Not sure how I should tackle this... It makes me wonder how many other people saw me in this view and I had to explain to boy that he should talk to Bestie and GuyBestie for a proper opinion on what I was like.
Apparently, our office had the busiest week in the last year for library work! GO TEAM GO!! Makes all our hard work seem a little bit more worth when we get an acknowledgement.
Anyhoo on another lighter note, things I rated this week are:
After months and months of reader's blog, I have finally finished Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities and this is what I thought.

Also, I was sick on Monday and stayed home and watched the end of season 5 of Dexter.
Which kept me on the edge of my seat and loved that it guest starred Julia Stiles. However, it did leave me slightly sad at the end but still eagerly anticipating Season 6!
Whilst recovering, I also managed to watch Black Swan and this is what I thought of it:

I'm also loving two products at the moment: Paul Frank Squeezy Lip Smacker in Julius Strawberry Banana which is saving my dry lips at the moment and Biotherm Aquasource Non Stop which I received a show bag for a function that went too. The lip smacker smells and tastes absolutely yummy and has a slight pink tint and definitely assists with dry lips. The moisturiser is my life saver at the moment as my face is really dry, especially my nose. This has a gel feel and a slight citrus smell and smooths very well and is absorbed really quickly.
Also made an awesome Lamb Kebab from an old Women's Weekly Menu Planner which are old tried and true recipes that never seem to fail. The garlic yogurt sauce is absolutely awesome!
Finally, I have discovered Catch of the Day and bought a whole bunch of stuff from there including Star Wars Pez!! Apparently it was 3 randomly chosen ones and we got Yoda, Chewbacca and R2D2!
Until next time, listen to Justin Timberlake and get your Sexy Back on!
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