Well what a semi depressing weekend I had. Had a very very dark day on Saturday. So dark that even though I was being good and going for a walk to keep up my new fitness regime, I was so upset that I refused to leave my bed for a few hours and the world appeared very grim indeed. I am starting to think I might need to go to a Counsellor or something as some of my dark thoughts on the weekend kinda scared me. Maybe it was pre uni blues or end of Summer blues but either way, crying is not fun. However, I was feeling better by the end of the weekend.
Bought some new make up which kinda cheered me up some new Rimmel Lash Accelerator as this was recommended by Primped!
Also bought some cute Rimmel I heart Lasting Finish in Perfect Plum which I can't wait to try.
Also watched a few movies too including True Grit:

and Red:

But Monday was definitely the day of stress. Uni started! However, was very annoyed that I had to buy textbooks for this (which cost me of $170!!!) even though the OUA site stated there was no prescribed textbooks :(. So started the readings for my Introduction to Libraries and have printed the billions of readings for Record Keeping Concepts and Practice so I might not be able to do as many posts on here as I like due to the copious amounts of reading I will have to do. Did read an interesting tidbit that Librarians should engage in "personal intercourse" with clientele in order to improve service to individuals which makes is sound like we are working in a brothel!
But luckily the boy made a delicious Meatlovers Pizza for dinner and even made me lunch for today whilst watching new episodes of Modern Family!! Best show ever.
Today is a day of freebies! I got selected to trial a new Maybelline Foundation which I should get either this week or next which I am excited about! Also I got given a really really cute Pink/Grey/Black/White stripey vest from a colleague at work which will go with everything in my wardrobe!!
Did an amazing Body Balance class at lunch and scored my free Fitness First magazine!! (have i told you that I have a penchant for magazines??) I am looking forward to seeing the Osteo tonight and then onto Bowling (hopefully another 200 game will happen!).
Until then, my song of the day is Lifelines by the Doves so give it a listen.
Until next time....
hey, i just started following you (off primped, love that site), i've started using the rimmel lash accelerator mascara too, its the bomb. i have a review on it, and am documenting it with photos to see if it works. check it out if you want. http://alazygirlsguidetobeauty.blogspot.com/