OMG!! I bowled absolutely awesome last night!!! Bowled a 245 which is my highest game ever!! Now my team is on top of the ladder and I am the top bowler for the females!! Yay now I should be able to win an award and compete in bowler of the month tournament. The bowler of the month tournament prize is that your league fees are paid for, for the rest of the year....for the rest of the year!!!! Fingers crossed!
Saw my Osteo yesterday as well and she said my shoulders and neck are basically buggered and she did this thing where she cracked my neck and held a pressure point or a muscle to try and relax which which absolutely caned!! I have more new stretches to do.
So far my stretches are:
Back rocking - Lie on your back and tuck your knees into your chest. Grab onto your legs and hug them and then slowly rock back and forward for a minute. The rock side to side for a minute. This is good for your lower back.
Bum stretches - Sit on a chair/bench/bed with your feet on the ground. Put your right ankle on your left knee and pull the knee a little to the left and towards you until you feel a stretch in your butt and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with other leg.
Dehunch stretch - Lie on a rolled up towel on your spine, on your bed and have your head supported by a pillow. Stretch arms out like you are trying to show someone how wide it was and stay there for 1 minute and gradually build up to 5 minutes.
These feel awesome!! and I highly recommend them for people with bad backs.
Also today has been another freebie day. I competed in a competition for Primped which involved a treasure hunt so I toddled off to my local David Jones and got to sample (and take home) the following awesome products:
Estee Lauder DayWear Advanced Multi Protection Anti Oxidant Creme SPF 15+ (phew what a mouthful) which is a delightfully fruity smelling moisturiser which is making my skin feel smooth as we speak.

Also got to trial two products by Yves Saint Laurent. Perfect Touch Foundation and Touche Eclat highlighter. The lady who tested these on me was very helpful in helping me select the right colour foundation and how to apply these products properly!
However, not everything is hunky dory and my gripes for today are:
Stupid bank taking out interest on my credit card and made me overdrawn so I couldn't pay for my uni books. I think I need to not use this anymore and try and pay it off.
Secondly, one of the really really expensive uni books is not in stock and wont be until next week!! So this means I will be behind in my Recordkeeping subject already!
Thirdly, missed out on get a free plant for my desk! They were give them out in Fed Square today but I was no where near the area :(.
Fourthly, had to have a stupid meeting with my dorky boss and HR. He even brought out a graph which shows my trend of sick days and annual leave days are improving!
Lastly, the boy is working late tonight so might not be able to see him :( but that does give me time to cook dinner, wash my hair and do some more uni study uninterrupted. However, that means no cuddle breaks for me :(.
Anyhoo, I don't want to leave on a downer so I am recommending that everyone listen to the Nurse by the now defunct White Stripes (was devastated that they broke up!).
No, I'm Never, No, I'm Never, No, I'm never
Until next time :P
Saw my Osteo yesterday as well and she said my shoulders and neck are basically buggered and she did this thing where she cracked my neck and held a pressure point or a muscle to try and relax which which absolutely caned!! I have more new stretches to do.
So far my stretches are:
Back rocking - Lie on your back and tuck your knees into your chest. Grab onto your legs and hug them and then slowly rock back and forward for a minute. The rock side to side for a minute. This is good for your lower back.
Bum stretches - Sit on a chair/bench/bed with your feet on the ground. Put your right ankle on your left knee and pull the knee a little to the left and towards you until you feel a stretch in your butt and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with other leg.
Dehunch stretch - Lie on a rolled up towel on your spine, on your bed and have your head supported by a pillow. Stretch arms out like you are trying to show someone how wide it was and stay there for 1 minute and gradually build up to 5 minutes.
These feel awesome!! and I highly recommend them for people with bad backs.
Also today has been another freebie day. I competed in a competition for Primped which involved a treasure hunt so I toddled off to my local David Jones and got to sample (and take home) the following awesome products:

However, not everything is hunky dory and my gripes for today are:
Thirdly, missed out on get a free plant for my desk! They were give them out in Fed Square today but I was no where near the area :(.
Fourthly, had to have a stupid meeting with my dorky boss and HR. He even brought out a graph which shows my trend of sick days and annual leave days are improving!
Lastly, the boy is working late tonight so might not be able to see him :( but that does give me time to cook dinner, wash my hair and do some more uni study uninterrupted. However, that means no cuddle breaks for me :(.
Anyhoo, I don't want to leave on a downer so I am recommending that everyone listen to the Nurse by the now defunct White Stripes (was devastated that they broke up!).
No, I'm Never, No, I'm Never, No, I'm never
Gonna let you down now
Very appropriate to the ones that I love!
Until next time :P
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